Environmental Psychology, 读书笔记 Chapter I

从今天起我会在这里更新对于 Environmental psychology: An introduction1的阅读笔记。这本书是当前环境心理学领域的大成之作,我计划20次完成笔记的撰写,每篇对应此书的一到两个章节,每周会更新一到两次笔记。


Environmental Psychology: History, Scope, and Methods


  • 环境心理学的定义

  • 环境心理学范围的历史发展

  • 当前领域主要的研究方法



We define environmental psychology as the discipline that studies the interplay between individuals and the built and natural environment. This means that environmental psychology examines the influence of the environment on human experiences, behaviour, and well‐being, as well as the influence of individuals on the environment, that is, factors influencing environmental behaviour, and ways to encourage pro‐environmental behaviour.



  • 早期:建筑环境与心理学(物理环境)

    In this early period of the field of environmental psychology, much attention was given to the built physical environment (i.e. architecture, technology, and engineering)

  • 第二个阶段:绿色心理学

    The second period of rapid growth in environmental psychology started during the late 1960s when people increasingly became aware of environmental problems. This resulted in studies on sustainability issues, that is, studies on explaining and changing environmental behaviour to create a healthy and sustainable environment.

  • 当前阶段: 应对气候变化


    • 人类-环境交互视角

      • 环境对人类的影响(Well-being)

        The negative as well as positive influences of environmental conditions on humans, with a focus on environmental impacts on human health and well‐being.

      • 人类对环境的影响(Environmental Quality)

        Factors that influence human behaviour that affect environmental quality, with a focus on pro‐environmental behaviour.

      • 提高亲环境行为(Promoting pro-environmental behaviour)

        Factors affect the outcomes and acceptability of strategies to encourage pro‐environmental behaviour for creating sustainable environments.

    • 学科交叉视角

      • 地理与建筑学:环境表征

      • 认知科学:亲环境行为理论发展

      • 环境科学:行为的环境影响

    • 基于现实问题

      The problems and associated solutions that are studied vary across these levels. For example, at the local level, problems like littering and solutions like recycling may be a focus of research. At regional and national levels, problems like species loss and solutions like ecological restoration can be studied. At the global level, problems like climate change and solutions like the adoption of new technologies to combat climate change are of interest. Environmental psychology is concerned with problems at all scales, from local to global.



Choosing a method typically involves a trade‐off between internal and external validity. Internal validity reflects the extent to which cause–effect relationships can be established. External validity reflects the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other populations or settings.

  1. Steg, Linda Ed, Agnes E. Van Den Berg, and Judith IM De Groot. Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell, 2013. ↩︎

Ziqian Xia (夏子谦)
Ziqian Xia (夏子谦)
Graduate Student

My research interests include Environmental Behaviour、Environmental Economics and Meta Science.
