Hi there, I am Ziqian Xia, a graduate student at Tongji University as well as a primary researcher at Chao Zhang’s Group and Cambridge Collective Intelligence & Design Group.
I am interested in research on the human and policy dimensions of climate change. Currently I am trying to understand climate change mitigation / adaptation behavior using IoT-based and remote sensing techniques. See my full publication list for detail.
I am using MRP and MIRO to conduct large-scale surveys of Chinese individuals, estimating their climate change perceptions and individual carbon footprint. See China Climate Communication Initiative for detail.
I had my academic training at Xi Tian’s Group under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Xi Tian and Bits to Energy lab at FAU Germany, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Verena Tiefenbeck.
I am actively looking for a Ph.D. position, please feel free to contact me.
My Wechat Media Platform (in Chinese): 气候变化与亲环境行为
Handling Editor of PROCEED affiliated with Environmental Evidence Journal. Co-founder, China Climate Communication Initiative. CEEDER Review College Member.
Python package development:
📦️LLMeta: Large language models for automated meta-analysis
📦️SECFC: Survey Embedded Carbon Footprint Calculator
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
Master in Public Policy, 2022-2024
Tongji University
BEc in Economic Statistics, 2018-2022
Nanchang University
BSc (minor) in Applied Psychology, 2020-2022
Nanchang University